As an ambitious athlete with a full-time job, it should come as no surprise that I spend a lot of time on the bike trainer. A trainer provides the convenience of no commute, no stoplights, a workout at any time of day, and the safety of a controlled environment (no inclement weather, road conditions, or risky drivers). My accident a couple weeks ago was a good reminder of why I train indoors (especially in the winter!!) – although I will admittedly continue to enjoy the occasional outdoor ride.
Those who are not versed in indoor riding often wonder how I pass the time -- which is typically 2-3 hours but can approach 4+ as I enter my build. Depending on the intensity of the workout (iow sweat intensity) I'll pass that time doing one of three things: (1) watching TED talks on my tablet (2) reading a book on my kindle (3) listening to music. The below playlist is constantly evolving and how I chose to enjoy the latter.

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